Monday, January 15, 2024

Martial Arts Lessons at the CTI

By Meredith Botnick, 1st dan

Are you looking for quality martial arts lessons for yourself or your family? Perhaps you’ve been looking for a karate school and have been inundated with results. Often the various martial arts are referred to as 'karate', but there are differences as well as similarities between and even within the different styles. 

Karate is an art that originated in Japan before being carried to other parts of the world, whereas Taekwondo, the art that is taught at the Colorado Taekwondo Institute, originated in ancient Korea. Martial arts programs vary quite a bit and also have many things in common As a result, both Karate and Taekwondo have a basis in using the hands and feet for self defense and use a series of patterns to develop the skills necessary for proper execution of these techniques. The main differences, however, is the school behind the art. The quality of a martial arts school should be the number one factor when you're looking into joining a school for martial arts lessons. 

Colorado Taekwondo Institute specifically has a rich history of bringing quality martial arts and leadership instruction to the Denver metro area and beyond, having been established in 1983 by Grandmaster Sautel. CTI teaches the Moo Sul Kwan style of Taekwondo, which was developed hundreds of years ago in Korea and introduced to the United States by Grandmaster Lee H. Park in 1969. At CTI, the emphasis is placed not only learning the physical side of self defense, but also the mental and philosophical sides through leadership training and education. So if you’ve considered exploring martial arts lessons, including karate or taekwondo, and are looking for a high quality school, schedule a visit the closest CTI campus today!

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