Monday, July 15, 2024

The Benefits of Training at a Martial Arts School

By Mark Scott, 4th dan 

An adult black belt breaking boards at a martial arts school tournament
What is different about martial arts compared with other sports and exercises? All sporting activities have the benefit of providing exercise. Martial arts have more benefits that other sports don’t provide. The benefits extend and change across the different ages engaged in a martial arts school. Benefits for children might not be as important to an adult in martial arts. Similarly, the benefits that an adult receives might not be necessary in a developing child.

For the young child, the benefits are less about the fitness and self-defense, but focuses more on discipline and control. As described in this article from Colorado Taekwondo Institute (The Best in Preschool Martial Arts 2024), the children will learn most of the same techniques as teens and adults. Many of the same details will be enforced, but the focus for the younger children will be on body control, mental fortitude and self-discipline. The younger student will gain self-confidence and benefits in their grades at school and behavior at home.

One article from the Colorado Taekwondo Institute website (Morgan, H 2016) details the eight benefits children can get from martial arts classes. As martial arts require practice to get better, martial arts encourage physical activity to get better and progress. Martial arts also increase self-esteem and encourage social interaction and teamwork which are important to the development of a child as they grow up. Martial arts also helps children learn respect and the ability to focus and concentrate as needed. Another important benefit is non-violent conflict resolution. Learning to control anger and find ways to solve problems outside of fighting. And especially at Colorado Taekwondo Institute, the benefit of the educational development through the stages of progressing with the training and reaching goals.

Martial arts also benefit kids with ADHD. In the article by Michael Lara, M.D. (Lara M, n.d.), found that kids with ADHD involved with a martial arts school finished more of their homework. The kids were better prepared for classes in school. The kids showed improvement in their grades. Other improvements were seen as they tended to break fewer rules overall and jumped out of their seats less often than before the martial arts classes.

Adults are looking to get into shape, to learn self-defense skills or joining a martial arts class to try something new. Some might use exercise as a means to relieve stress, but those in martial arts classes have a proven method for stress release.  In one study (Johnstone, A 2018) adults who participated in martial arts for three to six months were shown to have reduced depression symptoms, reduced levels of stress and higher self-esteem.  The adults were also able to manage stress better after prolonged martial arts classes.

Another important benefit found in practicing at a martial arts school was found in the same study. Practicing martial arts increases the ability to retain and restore memories. The martial arts students were found to be able to memorize and recall complex sequences better than the control groups. As martial artists have to memorize many moves and sequences as part of training, it would make sense that a martial artist would excel in this area.

Many studies (Naves-Bittencourt 2015) detail the effectiveness of classes at a martial arts school as engaging the brain in ways that enhance the physical and mental abilities. The effectiveness of martial arts as an exercise has an increased health benefit over other forms of exercise. The studies indicate a better level of stress management and overall better quality of life.



The Best in Preschool Martial Arts 2024, Colorado Taekwondo Institute website, accessed 20 May 2024, <>.

Morgan, H 2016, 8 Reason Your Child Should Join a Martial Arts Program, accessed 10 May 2024, <>

Lara, M n.d, The Exercise Prescription, accessed 10 May 2024, <>

Johnstone, A 2018, Martial arts offers brain-boosting benefits for all ages, research finds, accessed 20 May, 2024, <>

Naves-Bittencourt, W et al 2015, Martial arts: mindful exercise to combat stress, accessed 20 May, 2024, <>

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