Monday, April 1, 2024

Why I Think the CTI is Great for Taekwondo Classes

By Averie Chavez, junior 1st dan

The Colorado Taekwondo Institute is an amazing Taekwondo school because not only will it teach you self-defense, but it also has so many learning opportunities. CTI also fits best for being a Taekwondo school rather than any other martial art because not only do you focus on one type of thing like kicks you also get hand drills in rather than just focusing on one thing. CTI is great for a taekwondo classes because not only are you doing Taekwondo but while doing it CTI allows you to be able to make friends when you are practicing Taekwondo.

A taekwondo black belt passing out a trophy to a kid taekwondo student at a taekwondo class
CTI fits best for being a Taekwondo school because not only do you just have self-defense, but you also have those important learning opportunities. Some examples CTI provides for learning opportunities that make them best for Taekwondo are learning how to use self-control before self-defense. This helps show why CTI is best for a Taekwondo school because in, some martial arts, there is no self-control before self-defense. With taekwondo classes there is a saying that is Ho-Shin, meaning self-control before self-defense. Again this proves why they are best for a Taekwondo school because they help you identify whether to use self-control or self-defense depending on the situation rather than straight up going into self-defense. Another example is they teach you to persevere and have indomitable spirit. This shows why CTI fits the job best for being a Taekwondo school because when CTI teaches you to not give up and keep indomitable spirit you're less likely to give up when you are practicing Taekwondo.

CTI is best for taekwondo classes because at most martial arts schools you mainly focus on one thing but CTI focuses on many different ways to train us. Some examples of this may be when we do basics instead of just hand techniques we do many types of kicks when we do basics. Another example of this is, CTI finds ways to incorporate other types of martial arts styles into what we do. Sometimes like when we do black belt club, during push ups we do different types of push ups that different types of martial arts do. Another thing CTI does to focus on many different moments our pattern movements, in which the CTI does three different sets. With Taekwondo you focus on many things and that's exactly what CTI does. That's another reason why CTI is best for being a Taekwondo school rather than any other martial arts school.

Also, while we focus and practice in our Taekwondo classes we are making friends who help us improve on our Taekwondo skills. Some examples of this are in other martial arts and other schools besides CTI, expect for you to only do your work and make friends outside of practice. CTI shows why they are the best for a Taekwondo school because not only while you do your work they allow for you to make friends. Another example of this is when you're at tournaments no matter how you do or what you place CTI still lets you make friends and they encourage your hard word. People are supportive and friendly, while we all work hard to earn our new belts. 

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