Monday, November 27, 2023

Taekwondo in Your Everyday Life

 By Ahas Weerapura, Teen Red Belt

A martial arts teenager breaking a board with a kick, but also learning other benefits to life

Things you learn in Moo Sul Kwan Taekwondo can be used in your everyday life. This does not mean kicking and punching, but other things too. This includes the physical exercises, behaviors, and skills we learn in class.

For example, you can do some physical exercises we do in class at home, like stretching, pushups, jumping jacks, and situps. This can help you to become more flexible and strong, and give you something to do in your free time, instead of doing something unproductive. Also, you can use some of the techniques we use in Taekwondo, like falling drills and stances. These can be helpful to know and may help you in a dangerous situation where you may need it, as well as being good for your back and having stability, giving you healthy habits.

You can also use some of the respectful things we learn in Taekwondo, like saying “yes ma’am” or “yes sir” to people. This is an excellent thing to do as it shows respect and also shows that you heard what the other person said. That can be important in your everyday life because it will be a part of how people look at you and think of you. Taekwondo can also help to build other good qualities like confidence and good sportsmanship through activities like tournaments, where you have to perform in front of judges and be a good sport about the score and place you get. You also can improve more from these qualities, as they will allow you to see that you need to improve, and having this sportsmanship in other activities, like work or school, will do the same.

Taekwondo can also help you to learn skills for things like tests in school and studying for tests, by making you do those things, and progressively making them harder. This is similar to a teaching process called scaffolding, which is where guidance is progressively removed as students become more proficient in that skill. An example of this is our written tests, and as a white belt testing for yellow belt, the test is simple, and you are given the aid of the manual to do it. Then, as you progress through the belts, the written test gets more and more difficult, and when you test from purple belt to brown belt, the test is closed book, requiring you to study. This can help you learn how to prepare for school tests by making you study and memorize information.

Taekwondo can give you many benefits outside of self-defense and can improve your life. It can make you a more respectful, likable person, and give you virtues like self-control and respect for others, which can help you in things involving interactions with other people. I would be a very different person if I didn’t have Moo Sul Kwan Taekwondo in my life, and I am very thankful for the benefits it has given me.

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