Monday, July 10, 2023

Importance of Practicing Taekwondo at Home

 By Bridget Sautel, 5th dan

Three martial arts kids practicing their Taekwondo at home

One of the most crucial things a martial arts student can do to really solidify their Taekwondo training, is to take what is taught in class, and apply it to practicing by themselves at home. Especially when learning new techniques or poomse’s, if the student doesn’t go home and replay the moves in their head and practice them, the moves may be forgotten by the next class. This can stall a student’s learning and progression through the belts, and might even result in a negative learning experience. At Colorado Taekwondo Institute we want our students to always have a positive learning experience, and when the student is engaged with the learning. this can be made possible. Practicing Taekwondo at home is so important for a variety of reasons, but here are some of the top essential reasons:

1) A chance to break down the techniques

In class the instructor can teach the student the basic techniques and the moves that make up each poomse, but once the moves are taught, it’s up to the student to take them home to practice. The student needs to break down each move in a way that makes sense to them, and really think about the moves, without someone standing over them telling them how to execute each step of the technique. When the student comes back to class, it is obvious to the instructor which students went home and practiced the moves, especially if the student comes back with questions. This shows the student really thought about the moves and did repetitions. 

2) Returning to class knowing the moves

When a student is taught new moves on a poomse or a more advanced kick or hand technique, it is expected they go home and practice what they learned, and come back to class showing this proficiency. If the student does not do this, it shows the instructor that the student was either too busy to make time to practice, or just doesn’t care about mastering the moves.

3) Training will be accelerated

If the student does do what they are supposed to and they go home and practice the new moves, then this will be clear to the instructor, and they may make the decision to add on even more new moves. This is a continuous cycle and should be done for each new technique learned. The student can really boost their training to the next level if practice is consistent, and it will shine in the performance of the student in each and every class.

4) A chance to become a better teacher

When the student starts to reach higher belt levels, they will begin to learn how to teach others. If the student has spent the time practicing at home to put thought into breaking down the moves, then they will be successful in teaching newer students. It is a lot different when teaching a move, compared to just going through the movements on your own.

5) Learn to perform in front of an audience

When practicing at home, the student can incorporate their family, friends, and pets into the practice session. It is beneficial for the student to perform poomse’s and techniques in front of an audience, so that when the time comes to perform at a tournament in front of black belts and others (or a demonstration someday), the student will have already experience practicing in this way. 

These are just a few of the reasons, out of many more, why a student should practice their Taekwondo at home. There is no doubt the student’s training will be taken to a higher level each time techniques are broken down and repetitions are done. Practicing at home should also be transferred into other areas of life, such as school. For example, if something new is taught in math class, the student should go home and practice it until it is mastered. It is not practice that make perfect, it’s “perfect practice makes perfect.” 

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