Monday, June 12, 2023

Martial Arts for Adults

By Deb Denny, 2nd dan

A group of Moo Sul Kwan students doing adult martial arts training

Studying martial arts, specifically Moo Sul Kwan Taekwondo at the Colorado Taekwondo Institute, is great for adults because it is an enjoyable form of exercise. You are able to meet other adults and this is a chance to participate in a sport with your kids.

Taekwondo is a scientific Korean traditional martial art that teaches ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind. Doing taekwondo is a mindfulness  experience, distracting thoughts are tamed as you focus intently on your movements. The martial arts training of mind and body through physical movement in class extends to create harmony in your life.

Adults have mature brains which allow them to have better patience for memorization and learning. The benefits of this type of exercise are numerous. Taekwondo movements take place in all dimensional planes, allowing for a total body workout. The aerobic and anaerobic components of a workout increase metabolism and allow for calorie burning far past the actual workout to aid in weight management. The concentration, focus, and aerobic output aid in stress reduction. Practicing self-defense choreography leads to enhanced situational awareness and self-confidence. Working out in martial arts strengthens your immunity, reduces blood pressure, and prevents heart disease, diabetes and cognitive decline. Classes are designed to increase flexibility and muscle strength, coordination and most importantly balance.

Moo Sul Kwan Taekwondo pursues harmonious growth and improvements of life through its unique activities and will become a way of life for you. To ultimately enable ourselves to lead more valuable lives, start martial arts training at the Colorado Taekwondo Institute and discover the beneficial principles embedded in taekwondo.

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