Friday, October 19, 2018


By Shekina DeTienne, 2nd dan

Everyday takes courage.  After repetitive action, the courage, faith and comfort follows until it becomes normal.  Walking as a toddler, going to school as a kid, driving a car as a teen, starting a new job, the list goes on.  Everything takes some level of courage.

For some, the motivation and discipline is strong enough that they may not even consider taking action as courageous.  For others like myself, courage is not a strong suit.  I have always wanted to hide inside my shell, not leave a well-established comfort zone and just hang out.  I'm thankful everyday for parents that kicked me out of that bubble and demanded that I fight to become more.  There is not a single successful person who woke up one day and said, "Wow, success! How did that happen?"  They had to fight and push every day to make their dream a reality.  I'm learning that courage is one of the defining factors of success.  Risking failure for their dream is not even a question, it is payment.  The bigger the price, the bigger the prize.

Teenage Taekwondo black belts using courageBut what is your prize?  What is your goal?  Why do you wake up and what do you work for?  These are questions that my mentors asked me and questions that I had to take a hard look at.  What drives someone with the spirit animal of a chicken to get out of their bubble and bust out of their comfort zone?  The realization that I can have everything and be everything that I only dreamed.  I can become a master instructor.  I can have a booming business and become debt and time free.  I can be the coolest sister and auntie on the planet.  I can be a multi-millionaire and use that to better everything around me.  I can be a leader.  And I will be.  But those results take action and courage.  With the prize in mine, those goals consistently in front of my face, courage to risk failure is a small payment.

Twenty seconds of courage is what it takes to make the first actions to push out and work to making the uncomfortable comfortable.  But the main key is action.  For most, fear is natural and courage is not.  Defeating apprehension with action is how courage is reinforced.  After repeated action, the new normal is established and the meaning of courage is redefined.  And then the next challenge is put in sight.  Long story short; fear is not real, it is a smoke screen and the best cure is courage and repetitive action to overcome.  Just pay attention, try your best and keep pushing forward.  Doing just a few simple things everyday will bring you goals and dreams into reality.

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